Lockdown photo project - bringing Oban to people round the world!

Postcards from Oban

At the beginning of the first lockdown in March 2020, I decided to send a picture postcard from Oban in the form of an Instagram story every day so that people who could no longer travel, and especially those missing Oban, Scotland and the sea would be able to see what was going on in my little bit of the world. Every day I took my daily exercise, often with my daughter Flora, and the daily postcards turned into a project for me, and also turned out to be a solace for many people over the months that followed.

Me and Flora

I liked the idea of taking photos of a place each day. Not travelling to anywhere different, not going to places that were known amongst photographers to get the iconic shot, just exploring my local area and finding new places and new inspiration.

I ended up posting hundreds of photos and videos and some of them can be found in my Instagram Story Highlights. I still occasionally post one now although it is no longer something I feel I need to do every day. It actually already feels quite nostalgic, for such a dark time it was actually great fun and I received so many messages from people saying it was the highlight of their day and they looked forward to my postcards!

Being here in Oban during lockdown was a strange sensation - it is my home and has been for many years and living here means I can't see my family as often as I would like (they all live in England and Wales) but actually when I was forced to stay here I really realised that I love it, it has everything I need to fulfill my constant wanderlust. I have also realised that I don't really need to go anywhere else other than Scotland - of course I will visit other places but Scotland is big enough and diverse enough to keep me happy exploring for many years to come!

Watch my Instagram Postcards from Oban Story Highlights »

Postcards from Oban


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